Air Flow Calculator Instructions:
Using the size of your containment and required air changes per hour (ACH) , our air flow calculator is designed to assist you in choosing the best OmniAire machine for your application.
- Choose which units of measurement are relevant; SAE or Metric , and then enter the sizes of the containment in the calculator. Click the CALCULATE button and the bottom of the calculator will show you the results of your input.
- After calculating, compare the results with the reference list of OmniAire models below. It will help to choose the perfect size for your needs. If you have any questions or would like any advice, please feel free to contact us . Follow this link for more reference material from OSHA concerning air changes per hour.
OmniAire Model Reference List:
Negative Air/Air Scrubbing Machines (Abatement & Restoration)
Portable Air Cleaners (Healthcare Infection Control)
Commercial Air Purifiers (Indoor Air Quality)