Negative Air Machine NOT -included
Fixed airborne infection isolation rooms (AIIRs) are expensive and require constant maintenance. Recent testing shows that many AIIRs are functioning improperly but still in use (see studies). The cost effective IcoRoom anteroom system is an easy, portable solution that temporarily places a standard OR into AIIR equivalent isolation. It can also be used as an additional safeguard against malfunctioning fixed facilities.
Benefits include;
The ECU4 anteroom system is a clinically tested solution to treating patients with infectious diseases. The IcoRoom combines a collapsible, portable anteroom with a high-volume, high-efficiency HEPA filtered negative air machine. When deployed, an environment of negative air pressure relative to the treatment area and the surrounding corridor is created. This temporarily gives a standard OR the same functionality of a fixed AIIR and does not require building modifications.
Surgery or Invasive Procedures can be performed safely on infectious patients at anytime, anywhere. This eliminates the disruptions to surgery and procedure scheduling for infectious disease patients common in many hospitals. The high turn rate of the IcoRoom also allows ORs to be safely returned to service a short time after working on a patient with an active TB, or other infections diseases. All of this lessens the impact of infectious patients on facility throughput and risk to general population.
Procedures that generate aerosols* (recommended for isolation)
When a patient with TB or other infectious diseases is in need of acute care or surgery, it puts healthcare facilities in a difficult position. Unless they have an available fixed isolation OR, they must deny the patient necessary care or put the general population at risk.
Also, most facilities have isolation patient rooms for general treatment, but new hospital preparedness guidelines on Surge Capacity require that healthcare facilities can meet the increased demand of a mass casualty event